среда, 13 сентября 2017 г.

Xstyles Bath + More, Inc.

Xstyles Bath + More, Inc.
Traditional Elegance traditional-bathroom

Kitchen and Bath Fixture ProfessionalsKitchen and Bath DesignersGlass, Mirror and Shower Door DealersTile, Stone and Countertop ProfessionalsStone CleanersBedding and Bath Manufacturers and RetailersPlumbersSeptic Tank ServicesElectriciansGeneral ContractorsArchitects and Building DesignersInterior Designers and DecoratorsDesign-Build FirmsLighting Designers and SuppliersWindow Dealers and InstallersCarpet DealersHeating and Cooling CompaniesHome BuildersKitchen and Bath Remodelers

This photo has 40 questions

Geri Bailey

Shabby Nest - there are two views of this same bathroom. In the other you mentioned that the person who questioned the paint should try La Fonda Santa Fe Brown by Valspar (which is no longer available http://www.lowes.com/pd_94101-4-20067ALAFONDASANTEFE_4294729418__?productId=3330506&Ntt=brown&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNtt%3Dbrown%26page%3D6&facetInfo=) and in this one you mention Magnetite. My monitor shows a purple hued color for both photos and in the other one a purple towel is actually included. I believe that magnetite is a deep gray and the santa fe brown is clayish in color. Is it my monitor? To me this looks like Behr Echo or Tibetan Temple. Here's Tibetan Temple: https://www.google.com/search?q=behr+tibetan+temple+paint&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS404US404&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=0F18UInvOamM0QHxwoGIBQ&ved=0CDUQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=933




Bill Fry Construction - Wm. H. Fry Const. Co.

Fortunately, the designer has organized this photo in a paroject.

Click on more info and you'll see the project come up on the right:

Then click on the right and you'l find this photo with the vanity:

A third photo of this great bathroom is also provided.

:) Rhoda

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Original article and pictures take st.hzcdn.com site

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